Organizationally, United Women in Faith is the successor to the home and foreign missionary societies and guilds of the seven predecessor denominations that now comprise The United Methodist Church. United Women in Faith (UWF) is the group of women in each congregation organized for mission. Because the United Methodist Church is a connectional church, local and district units of UWF relate directly to district and conference organizations of UWF and to the Women’s division of the General Board of Global Ministries. Over one million lay women have chosen to be members of this special organization, UWF! This community of women is:
* Centered in relationship with God through Jesus Christ;
* Focused on ministries with women, children, and youth;
* Involved in mission locally and globally;
* Committed to inclusiveness;
* Pledged to provide financial support for mission through mission giving;
* Engaged in the development and use of skills for service, leadership, and personal growth;
* Encouraged to work with other organizations on issues of mutual concern.

For more information about Buda United Methodist Women (UWF), contact Joyce Boelsche. Contact the church office for her phone number.