Church Ministry Opportunities for Adults
- Trustees are responsible for ensuring that there are adequate facilities for the mission and ministry of the congregation. You could be an asset to this group if you are an organizer and a planner and would enjoy helping maintain our facilities. Contact the church office for more information.
- Worship Committee plans and coordinate activities for worship: usher/greeters, liturgists, acolytes, banners, paraments, and sacramental elements. Contact Rev. Matt Cardona for more information.
- Finance Committee is responsible for managing, distributing, and accounting for gifts to our Ministry. Monthly revenue and expense reports, as well as our annul budget compilation are some other activities of this committee. Contact Marsha Lindahl for more information.
- Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is the local church administrative unit in which lay and clergy spiritual leaders integrate the staff and congregational interests to focus on the mission of the church. Contact Rebecca Hatch for more information.