We Worship, We Grow, We Love

Quarantine Family Olympics

Did you miss the Olympics this year? Do you have a competitive spirit and want bragging rights in your family? Join us for Virtual Family Olympics!
The Olympics will be held September 24 through October 1.
We kick off the fun with an Opening Ceremony via Zoom on Thursday, September 24. Each family will introduce their competitors and the games and rules will be explained. Then families will compete among themselves in six events amount themselves sometime prior to September 30. Each family will submit winners, pictures and/or video of their games on Wednesday, September 30.

Finally we will gather again on Thursday, October 1 via Zoom for the Awards Ceremony. We will look at highlights of the week from each family and reveal the winners.
Events are designed for all ages and include: straw javelin, paper plate discus, long jump, trash can basketball, floor ‘balance beam’, ribbon rhythmic gymnastics.

All events will use household items and will be a good time for all. Not only do you get to have fun with your family, you also get to share the fun with friends and neighbors. So signup and invite your friends and neighbors for some fun Virtual Olympics!

Zoom live events, 7pm to 7:30 pm
September 24 – Opening Ceremony – Introduction of Teams – Each family can dress up and show off their enthusiasm. Games and Rules will be discussed.
October 1 – Awards Ceremony – Show highlights of week and winners from each competition at each house.