We Worship, We Grow, We Love

Pumpkin Patch at Buda UMC


The BUMC Pumpkin Patch is back, and we need your help to make it all happen, including unloading pumpkins on Saturday, September 28 and then selling through October.

We are seeking volunteers to work two-hour shifts September 29 – October 31:

  • at least two volunteers per shift on weekdays
  • at least four volunteers per shift on weekends

In addition, we need help with the following:

  • September 21, 8 am: Situate the pallets for the pumpkins, and begin sinking the posts for the fence. For more info, contact Dickson de la Haye: 979-236-7345
  • September 28, 9 am: Decorating the patch will be getting underway and once again volunteers will be very much appreciated. For more info, contact Sally de la Haye: 979-236-7340
  • September 28, 12 noon: The pumpkins are scheduled to arrive and will need to be offloaded. Many hands make light the work! For more info, contact Dickson de la Haye: 979-236-7345