We Worship, We Grow, We Love

Events (Page 7)

Women’s Christmas Party

In November and December, the Lydia Circle takes a break, and we have a Women’s Christmas Party instead. All the women of the church are invited to a Christmas party at Sharon Lancaster’s house – 210 Bridgestone Way, Buda. Bring a snack to share, and a wrapped Christmas ornament for a white elephant gift exchange.…

Night at the Patch

Let your kids, your grandkids, nephews, nieces, CHILDREN OF ALL AGES (that means all you young at heart folks out there) that Buda UMC will host its First Annual Night in the Patch on Saturday, October 28th, 4-6pm. Join us for pumpkin painting, spooky story time, games, and hot dogs. Wear your costume and enjoy…

United Women in Faith Craft Bazaar and Auction

Join us for our annual Craft and Baked Goods Bazaar, Silent Auction and $5 chili lunch. Note: If you are donating baked goods to the bazaar, you can do that as in the past. Bring them to the fellowship hall on Fri, Oct. 20, 9am-5pm or Saturday Oct. 21 before 9am. If you want to…

Advent Study 2023 – Experiencing Christmas

Things just look, smell, and taste differently during the Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different. “This will be a sign to you,” the angel told the shepherds, and they traveled to Bethlehem and found a child. What signs do…

United Methodist Men Monthly Breakfast

Buda UMC’s United Methodist Men host a monthly breakfast – the first Sunday of each month in the Fellowship Hall (unless there is a holiday weekend, then it is moved to the next Sunday). This month is a month with a holiday, so it will be on September 10. Join us!

Church Quarterly Update Meeting

Our next quarterly church update will be held immediately after worship on Sunday, May 28th. Please plan to stay after and hear the latest updates for our BUMC community from church leaders.

Vacation Bible School 2023

We are so excited to invite your child to VBS with us!We are looking forward to see how God can move in our childrens’ lives. VBS will be July 25th-28th, 6:30-8:30pm, the children will engage in crafts, music, and games, including a dinner each evening. On Friday of VBS, we would like to invite all…

Parents’ Night Out

Parents’ Night Out is for children 1st-7th grade while their parents have a night out. The children will enjoy engaging games, crafts, and activities all about summertime! We’ll provide a snack and drink for all participants during the event and request that participants bring a sack dinner from home. If you would like to sign…

United Women in Faith Spring Tea

Please join the United Women in Faith for our Spring Tea. Tickets are on sale in the Narthex before and after the 10am service and space is limited. You may make a reservation by calling Pam Stone at 713-504-6898. $10 for adults$5 for children ages 5-16 Proceeds go to support women and children in Rwanda through Handspun Hope.

Easter Egg Hunt

We would like to welcome all our children and youth to the Easter Egg Hunt in the Fellowship Hall Courtyard following right after the 10am Easter worship service. Please feel free to invite your family and friends to join the fun!