We Worship, We Grow, We Love

Events (Page 25)

11am service moves to Worship Center

With the departure of The Journey UMC, we have the Worship Center available to us for both our Sunday services. As of Sunday, October 21, we will hold both the 9am and 11am services in the Worship Center.  

United Methodist Women Christmas Bazaar

Buda’s United Methodist Women host their annual Christmas Bazaar on November 17th; 8:00 am – 1:00 pm in the church Fellowship Hall.   Funds raised support the local and global missions of Buda United Methodist Women.  There will be available for sale handmade items, baked goods and silent auction.

General Conference 2019 Information Session

On Sunday, 11/11 during Sunday school hour come and hear General Conference 2019 Lay Delegate, Jay Brim, explain the Commission on the Way Forward, its results, and what could happen at the special, called General Conference at the end of February in 2019. This is a pivotal time for future of the United Methodist Church. It is also a time when the…