We Worship, We Grow, We Love

Events (Page 22)

Maundy Thursday

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a light, Mediterranean meal followed by a worship service of stations for foot-washing, prayer, and memorial candle-lighting. We will end the service with Holy Communion.

Good Friday Worship Service

Join us for Good Friday where we will remember the night that Jesus died on a cross. The service will be a series of scripture, reflections, and music.

UMW Quarterly Meeting – 9/22/19

All women are invited to join us for a devotional and brief business meeting. Brown bag lunch suggested. Fellowship Hall after the late service.

UMW Quarterly Meeting 07/21/19

All women are invited to join us for a devotional and brief business meeting. Brown bag lunch suggested. Fellowship Hall after the late service.

UMW Quarterly Meeting

All women are invited to join us for a devotional and brief business meeting. Brown bag lunch suggested.

Church wide clean up

Church wide spruce-up for Easter! Please help our church family to prepare for Easter by participating in a campus wide work day. On Saturday, March 30th at 8:00am, we will gather to work on projects for all ages and capabilities, such as dusting/polishing wood and power-washing signs. After a fruitful morning of work, BUMC will…

Discover Buda UMC

An informal gathering and meal to get to know Buda UMC. Fellowship HallSunday, March 17th 4:00-6:00 PMCome find out more about the activities and ministries at BUMC and where you may be called to connect. Childcare available by appointment (please call church office at 512-295-6981.)

Baby Shower for Hudson Ridgeway

The UMW are holding a shower for Hudson Ridgeway, son of Tosha and Christina and brother to Harper on Sunday, February 24th from 1:30 – 3:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Join us to celebrate the arrival of the newest member of the Buda UMC family.  Any of the following items would be greatly appreciated;…

Ash Wednesday

Join us for a contemplative worship service in the chapel where we will mark the beginning of the season of Lent with a service that includes music, prayer, communion, and the imposition of ashes.

Lent Bible Study

Who is this Man? The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus by John Ortberg A short term Bible study facilitated by Liz Gray. Mondays starting 3/11 through 4/8 at 10am in the Wesley Building; room D Suggested cost for book and study guide is $20.