We Worship, We Grow, We Love

Events (Page 14)

Family Game Night

Invite your family and friends out for a fun family game night! A light dinner will be served. Bring your favorite games or join in with those provided. Please register so we can plan for the meal.

Blessing of the Backpacks

Children can bring their school bags to church on Sunday, 8/15 for a special prayer and blessing.

Choir Relaunch

ALL ARE WELCOME to join the Choir as we begin rehearsals once again! Our first Wednesday back will be on August 4 at 7:15pm in the Worship Center. Anyone and everyone who is interested is welcome!

Vacation Bible School 2021

This year vacation Bible school program is about being on God’s team and being his disciples in the world today! The time we spend together will help the children understand the meaning of being a disciple of God and how spread the LOVE of God in their community! Each day the story and theme are…

Splash Pad

Come cool off in the Buda City Park Splash Pad. Families are inivited to meet us in the Buda UMC Courtyard on Tuesday, July 20 at 5pm and we will walk over to the splash pad together. This is a family event so all children must be accompanied by an adult. Please be prepared to…

Activity Bags

Join us for a monthly family activity in the Buda UMC Courtyard where we will prepare activity bags for our youngest food pantry clients. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Donations needed: Children’s books, flash cards, notebooks, coloring books, crayons, pencils and zip lock bags (size: gallon). Donations can be brought that evening or…

Children’s Ministry Tie Dye Event

Buda UMC Children’s Ministry invites everyone to celebrate the upcoming Fourth of July by making tie dye shirts! Join us in the Buda UMC Courtyard for this fun family event. Please provide your own t-shirts. 

The Apostle Paul: Searching for Church Sermon Series

Join us for our summer sermon series when we will follow the Apostle Paul’s correspondencewith the various cities where he planted communities of Jesus-followers.We will explore various themes in the letters and make an attempt to understand more about the groups of people Paul reached. Thessaloniki Galatia Corinth Philippi Rome Philemon

Paul: A Biography – Summer Study with Pastor Lisa

Sundays starting June 6th through September 125:30 pm to 7:00 pm Paul: A Biography by N.T. Wright I don’t know about you but I have a love-hate relationship with the Apostle Paul. Together we will read a biography that uncovers the historical Paul to get some answers to our many questions. Amazon says this: “In…