We Worship, We Grow, We Love

Buda UMC Fellowship Lunch

Come say farewell to Marlene Bradford, who will soon be moving to New Mexico.

Everyone at Buda UMC is invited to a Fellowship Lunch on Sunday, March 13, in the courtyard or the fellowship hall, depending on the weather. Come on over after Sunday School, and we’ll visit and eat together. Marlene will be here for the 9:00 service, for Sunday School, and until 1:00.

We will “Brown-Bag” it, so bring your own lunch, plus a bit extra for someone who might decide to come at the last minute. Everyone will also supply their own drinks, washable plates, etc., in an effort to reduce waste.

Of course, children are welcome!

So come on down and munch and visit with your sisters and brothers at Buda UMC!

Sponsored by Buda UMC United Methodist Women